Does New Zealand Have Free Healthcare?

New Zealand has a universal health care system that any citizen can use, regardless of their ability to pay. Services covered include inpatient, outpatient, mental health, and long-term care, as well as prescription drugs. General taxes finance most services. 

This is Bettina Schempf’s (Benton County, OR) experience with this fair and efficient national healthcare system.

Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates (MVHCA): When did you live in New Zealand?

Bettina Schempf (BS): I moved from Germany to New Zealand in 1993 and stayed until 2006 when we moved to Corvallis. I mainly experienced the preventative part of healthcare and accident care plus the maintenance care for my husband who requires that type of care.  

MVHCA: What is the structure of the New Zealand healthcare system?

BS: New Zealand has universal health care and private insurance. I chose to have private insurance in addition to the public insurance paid for by my taxes. 

Private insurance cost NZD $150 per month for me and my husband (he is American, and he did not work during his time in New Zealand). 

We also benefited from public accident insurance. I hardly used my private insurance – twice I used it to get additional tests done as a follow up of preventative care. I used universal health care for annual check-ups, lab tests and regular dental visits. Co-pays were between $30 for general medical and $80 for dental. Lab tests were generally free. My husband recalls getting a call from our doctor the day his labs came back and a conversation about his management of prescription drugs – all covered by the co-pay. 

My most vivid memory of the NZ Universal Health care system is my treatment after a dog bite that injured my face: all costs were covered by the universal no-fault accident insurance, including the ED visit and surgery to remove scar tissue in my face a few months later.  

MVHC:  What is the cost of healthcare in New Zealand?

BS: New Zealanders pay for universal healthcare and accidental insurance through their income taxes. Income taxes are progressive and those who earn more pay more. 

I always felt proud to contribute to a system that supported those who needed services. I also saw that my taxes tangibly came back to me when I needed healthcare. 

Preventative services were encouraged and often free.

I also saw the excellent cancer and pain care a good friend received from his diagnosis to his passing. Hospital treatment and home treatment were excellent, responsive and client and family focused. 

Ready for something better? Advocate for universal health care in Oregon!

Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates in western Oregon is working with an Oregon Task Force to achieve universal health care for all. Join our Advocate’s Meeting on the fourth Monday of every month at 7:00PM Pacific Time.


How Universal Health Care Works in the UK


Does Universal Health Care Work Well in Other Countries? A testimonial.