DEADLINE SEPT. 30! PLEASE ACT NOW! Help the HCAO Education Fund Win $10,000!
The Health Care for ALL Oregon Education Fund helps educate people in Oregon about the need for universal publicly funded health care. Let's pitch in and help them earn this grant! Thank you.
Please help nominate HCAO Education Fund for a $10,000 grant
Tom’s of Maine is accepting nominations for its 50 States of GoodTM annual sponsorship program. Tom’s will award $10,000 to one 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in each state plus the District of Columbia—$510,000 in total.
With your help, HCAO-EF could be Oregon’s $10,000 winner. The nomination process is easy and relatively quick. You just need to fill out a simple on-line form. The deadline for nominations is September 30, 2014.
Access the nomination form here. After you land on the nomination page, verify your eligibility. Then select the category that best describes HCAO-EF’s overall mission from the pull down menu: Health & Wellness
Then you will be asked to answer the following two questions. Share specific examples where possible.You only have 300 characters and spaces to answer each question.
- How has this nonprofit made a difference in your life or the life of someone you know?
Note: We checked and you can talk about how HCAO-EF’s mission would make a difference if we achieve publicly funded health care for ALL..
- What is the one thing you’d want the judges to know about this nonprofit that sets it apart?
Here are some things you might want to say. Use your own words, of course.
- HCAO-EF’s mission is to educate Oregonians about publicly financed health care.
- Health care is NOT a commodity. It is a human right. HCAO-EF wants all Oregonians to have high quality, publicly funded health care.
- HCAO-EF is training people to advocate for themselves.
- Have you attended an HCAO-EF educational event?. What did you learn?
- Our Speaker’s Bureau is educating Oregonians and Oregon businesses about the differences between health care and health insurance and the need for publicly funded health care.
- Our support base is strong and growing: we have more than 12,000 volunteers and supporters with more added daily.
- HCAO-EF’s vision is a system of health care in Oregon that improves the health of all Oregon residents, improves the patient care experience (including quality & satisfaction), and reduces the per capita cost of health care.
- HCAO-EF embraces health care as a basic human and social need, rather than a commodity. We believe that Oregonians need a health care system that is publicly financed, one that encompasses the principles of universality, equity, accountability, transparency, participation, and public good.
Name of organization: Health Care for All Oregon Education Fund
URL of organization:
Nonprofit contact name: Linda Alband
Nonprofit contact email address:
Nonprofit contact phone number: 503-206-6709 (office) or 971-404-9224 (cell)
Select a state (pull down menu): Oregon
Fill in your name, email address, and phone number in the appropriate places.
Please contact Linda by phone 971-404-9224 or email if you have questions.
The Health Care for ALL Oregon Education Fund