Join us in the Corvallis Holiday Parade this Saturday evening!

Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates will walk in the Corvallis holiday parade Saturday Nov. 30. The general theme this year is Aloha Hawaiian Christmas and our theme is "Give the Gift of Universal Healthcare"  -- we have super- large decorated gift boxes with messages such as "Aloha--Health Care for Oregon!"   We'll be handing out invitations to join us in helping to make this happen, and we want more walkers to carry gift boxes and signs. Children are welcome!

LINE UP with us between 6:30 and 6:50 on the south side of Washington Street, halfway between 4th and 5th streets. Car traffic is limited, so if you drive, leave a car in the OSU lot west of 11th street. The parade goes from Washington to Jackson, on 4th street. We are #19, just behind Hull's Reindeer Train, and in front of KEZI. Questions? Call Ruth at 541-738-6950 or Bobbi at 541-758-9340.

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Report from Bobbi Hall on Cover Oregon


Obama just launched single-payer in America