About us
If you look up “Grassroots organizations” in the dictionary, there ought to be a picture of Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates because it defines what a grassroots organization is. MVHCA is an all-volunteer, community-based organization that has been kept going through the energy and personal resources of its dedicated founders, leaders and supporters. Its primary purpose at its founding in the early 1990s was to educate and advocate for decent, affordable health care for all Oregonians. And we think that means publicly-funded, single payer/universal health care.
MVHCA in 2012 reorganized itself and became a co-partner with Health Care for All Oregon. Together MVHCA and HCAO are committed to staying the course until Oregon, and the rest of the country, adopts the only comprehensive health care reform that makes sense: Publicly-funded, single payer/universal health care.
MVHCA will continue to spread the word about the need for health care reform and to grow the organization to expand participation throughout Mid-Willamette Valley. To do this, one vital ingredient is needed: PEOPLE LIKE YOU! If you’re already involved, we can’t thank you enough – it’s your energy that keeps MVHCA going. If you’re looking for something valuable and significant to do, you’ve come to the right place. There’s plenty to do, and we welcome you wherever and however you want to contribute - Check out our volunteer opportunities or contact us if you have other ideas about how we can advance the cause of Universal Health Care.
Join our public meeting on the fourth Monday of the month at the Corvallis Unitarian Universalist Fellowship: 2945 NW Circle, Corvallis. Or, join us virtually on ZOOM → HERE. Attend and learn about our work to bring efficient and fair health care to all Oregonians. This meeting is open to the public, so feel free to bring along anyone you like! EVERYBODY IN – NOBODY OUT