MVHCA advocates for universal health care. Everybody in! Nobody out!
Health care for all Oregon
Drug prices are off the charts. Premiums, deductibles, and out-of-pocket fees are bankrupting Americans. To top it off, our health outcomes, on average, are worse than many other developed countries.
Publicly funded universal health care:
• Lowers health care costs
• Delivers high-quality care to all
• Builds healthier communities
Let’s be advocates for universal health care!
Be a universal health care advocate!
Whether you have 5 minutes or want to become a regular volunteer, there are plenty of ways to fight for health care for all Oregon.
Support Oregon universal health care
We welcome anyone to join our cause for efficient and fair health care. If you like to support us with a donation, we greatly appreciate it!
Meet the Board
Mid-Valley has dozens of tireless volunteers that support us. Our board of directors keeps everything moving!
Join an upcoming Mid-Valley event
Rallies, meetings, tabling, and more! Mid-valley advocates are always up to something, so check out our event page to learn more.
Read our blog
There’s always something new to talk about in the fight for universal health care. Check out our blog to read articles written by our advocates!
Member Area
Are you an MVHCA advocate, or just want to learn more about how we fight for universal health care? Check out the member area for more information about current activities!
“We will win, if you and everyone else in this movement gives of their precious time and energy.”
— Betty Johnson, MVHCA Founder
Contact Us
Feel free to contact us. We love to answer your questions!
Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates
P.O. Box 242
Corvallis, OR, 97339